Brand: Weller
Product Description Weller transforms hand soldering The art of hand soldering has been around for a very, very long time, thousands of years in fact. But it was only until 1941 that a transformer based instant heating soldering method was de�vel�oped by an im�pa�tient Amer�i�can radio re�pair�man who was tired of sit�ting around wait�ing for his sol�der�ing gun to heat up. Carl E. Weller had to wait until after WWII ended in 1945 to get his Weller Man�u�fac�tur�ing Company going. In 1960, the Weller Man�u�fac�tur�ing Co. in the US patented the �Mag�na�s�tat� sol�der�ing iron which used a mag�netic com�po�nent to reg�u�late the tem�per�a�ture at the iron�s tip. In an ex�pan�sion over�seas beginning in 1959, the Weller GmbH plant in Be�sigheim, Ger�many, along with new plants in other coun�tries, was or�ga�nized to man�u�fac�ture tem�per�a�ture con�trolled irons and sol�der�ing guns for pri�mar�ily in�dus�trial mar�kets through�out Eu�rope and the Near East. Keep�ing pace with the in�creas�ing com�plex�ity of our cus�tomers� needs, Weller Ger�many be�came the mar�ket leader for de�vel�op�ing and man�u�fac�tur�ing hand soldering prod�ucts world�wide. Our prod�ucts were proudly em�bla�zoned with �Made in Ger�many�, sig�ni�fy�ing in�no�va�tion and re�li�a�bil�ity. From the Manufacturer The Weller 6966C is a 250 Watt/120 Volt lightweight heat gun that weighs less than a pound. This ESD safe heat gun is perfect for repetitive or continuous use in production plants, labs, and electronics service facilities. The heat guns temperature at nozzle ranges from 750� F to 800� F (399� C to 427� C). Cord length is 6 ft. and cord type is three-wire ground. Heat gun is also UL and cUL listed.